Richard Fofana, EVP, Strategy, UM, joined fellow industry leaders for a roundtable moderated by Media in Canada to discuss the future of media, what it will take to maintain mass appeal, and which formats will attract ad dollars. When asked about the industry’s outlook in five years and the pursuit of mass audiences, Richard commented, “We are going to need to be more nimble about how we connect with consumers. And that’s going to require a little more complexity. But I think that’s something we should prepare to embrace. This is an opportunity for us to allow ourselves to live in a world where that complexity is part of how we operate, as opposed to trying to find ways that are simple or are a single solution.”

Regarding future challenges, Richard added, “We know that there’s going to be a massive deluge of content in the future. Everyone is going to have this onslaught of content increasingly hitting them on different channels. If we think back to sociology, people can only hold three or four things in their heads at once. So, people are going to turn off and tune out. And if they don’t want to engage in all of this stuff, what is the industry going to do in order to continue to be relevant?”Click here to read more.