UM’s Richard Fofana argues that while COVID-19 is like nothing brands have ever seen before, when it comes to adaptation, some principles are timeless.

We’re being assailed by the perfect storm.

We are living in an age where society’s level of trust has already plummeted to record lows in terms of our view of government, corporations and brands. And now, we have been plunged into a new, collective mindset in response to COVID-19: the need to distance.

As marketers, how do we navigate these turbulent waters of mistrust and separation? How should our brands act in this time of cultural upheaval?

Culture has always been a powerful driver of attitudes and behaviours. But now we are seeing the impact of cultural change – socially, politically and commercially – more than ever. To dig deep into the issues facing these uncertain times, UM interviewed 6,500 Canadians to understand their beliefs, values and identities. The output: our recent report, Remix Culture. The study was completed in July 2019, although many of the learnings are even more applicable today.

Read the full story in Media in Canada.